Your 40s are the perfect time to think wisely about your finances if you haven’t already as retirement is on the horizon, but you still have enough to make important changes to set you up for the future. We have compiled a list of our top 4 healthy financial practices for your 40s, to get the best out of your money.

  1. Think about your financial priorities

Your financial priorities may have changed over the years and things that used to be important to you might be no longer. If you are still working toward things that are no longer important to you, now is the perfect time to make changes.

  1. Evaluate your super account

Now is a great time to make sure your super account is working for you the best it can. It is not too late to change funds or to change the amount of money you’re investing to make sure you’re set up well for the future. If you need help deciding which super fund will be best for you and your needs, we know a great financial planning place…

  1. Learn a new skill

Learning a new skill will keep your mind sharp, increase your marketability and maybe earn you some extra money. Technology is a great new skill to pick up and if you keep up now, you will be more ready for changes later.

  1. Get financial planning help

With retirement on the horizon in the next 10-20 years, now is a great time to get solid financial advice. A financial planner will help you to manage your wealth going forward so you get the most of it. They will help you with investment advice, superannuation advice and insurance advice to make sure your money is spent wisely. If you are in Newcastle or East Maitland, contact us today to see how we can help you manage your wealth wisely.

Money mistakes can be devastating to your retirement savings in your 40s and we hope that this list has got you thinking about your financial future. Now is the perfect time to make changes!

Call us today on 02 4933 6888 to make an appointment with one of our expert financial planners.

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Bottrell Wealth
Bottrell Wealth are expert financial planners, with a vast array of experience with businesses of all shapes and sizes. Our knowledge extends past financial planning into, accounting, taxation, marketing and recruitment. With over 20 years dealing with businesses and individuals, Bottrell Wealth can help you reach your goals!

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