Do you know who gets your Super?

Who decides what happens to your superannuation savings when you die? You may think that you do, but that isn’t always the case. The ultimate decision may be made by someone you don’t even know – the trustee of your superannuation fund. Let’s look at how you can have greater control. BINDING DEATH BENEFIT NOMINATIONS […]
Superannuation: preserved but not forgotten

It is important to be aware of exactly when and how you can access your super, and what you can do in the meantime to make sure it is working to your advantage. PRESERVED UNTIL WHEN? The super rules state that you can’t generally get your hands on your benefit until you meet at least […]
Protect yourself through superannuation

The attractiveness of superannuation as an investment and savings vehicle is well known. As we mentioned earlier, although the federal government places limits on the amount of tax-effective contributions we can make, the ability to structure insurance arrangements through super remains. HOW DOES INSURANCE THROUGH SUPER WORK? The types of insurances considered here are limited […]
The ‘what’, ‘why’, and ‘how’ of contributing to super

Despite frequent changes to its governing rules, superannuation remains, for most people, a tax-effective environment in which to save for retirement. Here’s a quick Q&A on the what, why and how of contributing to superannuation from this point on. WHY SHOULD I CONTRIBUTE TO SUPER? Some super contributions and the investment earnings within super […]
Get your super together and save!

If you have had different jobs with different employers over your working career you will probably have superannuation accounts in many different funds. Apart from the time it takes to keep track of these accounts, there are three more serious concerns of which you should be aware. INVESTMENT STRATEGY Choosing the right investments for your […]
Taking control of your superannuation

Taking control of your super A popular choice for managing superannuation is to take personal control via a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF). Although membership is limited to a maximum of four people per fund, the Australian Tax Office (ATO) reports there are over half a million SMSFs, representing more than a million members. It estimates […]
Investing in your future

Investing in your future. The government regularly reminds us that each Australian must take responsibility for funding their future. Regardless of when you will be able to access your super, or when you choose to stop working, you need to be aware of how your superannuation is being managed and if the final balance will […]
Super: Just like choosing a new car!

Superannuation and a new car are very similar! Superannuation can be one of the most baffling topics when it comes to managing our finances so let’s relate looking for the right fund to something that might be more enjoyable – buying a new car. What do you look for? SIZE AND SPEED The engine of […]
Consolidating Super: Things to think about

Why consolidate? Many people have accumulated multiple super accounts from changing jobs and have lost track of how many they actually have. It is important to consolidate your super into one account, but why? Having one super account means you will save money by only paying fees for one account, there will be less paperwork […]
ASIC’s Laura Higgins shares her Superannuation Tips

ABC Weekend Breakfast hosts ASIC’s Laura Higgins to talk about Superannuation. Background on Laura: Laura is a Senior Executive Leader at ASIC and specialises in educating individuals on superannuation and protecting themselves online. In this video, Laura speaks with ABC hosts about Superannuation tips and tricks. These tips include: Get advice. Superannuation can be really […]